Re: [Salon] Rural Ruminations - Is Trump our Wannabe Autocrat?

When I hear about Russia as “our” enemy, I’m reminded of (then) Cassius Clay’s remark about the Viet Cong. 

On Mar 24, 2023, at 1:49 PM, Chas Freeman via Salon <> wrote:

Rural Ruminations



By Haviland Smith


Most past US and Russian governments have focused heavily on the level of America’s growing involvement and influence in world affairs.  Of course, the difference between those countries is that US administrations have sought to maintain and enhance those foreign alignments, where the Russians have sought to weaken them on all fronts.


Unbelievably, what happened under the Trump administration was that the US rapidly disengaged from its commitment to international involvement, changing our policy to one which more closely mimicked that of Russia.


We see these changes in our attitudes toward international organizations, general foreign policy, and executive relations with foreign leadership.


These changes were initiated by then President Trump between 2017 and 2021.  The conundrum that faces us today is not what happened.  That is a matter of record. The real issue is why?  Why did Trump move in this direction?  If he really were a Republican, it can’t be a political Party position.  His moves have violated just about every goal the Republican Party pursued for decades before his election. 


It's possible this is a MAGA issue. He may really believe that the way to make America great again is to retreat from so many of the policies that the US pursued before his presidency. He sounds as if he would support a more autocratic form of governance in America.  For anyone who does not understand how the world really works such an “America first” philosophy could persuade its implementor of its validity and desirability.


Consider the following Trump attitudes and moves in any assessment of the real goals of his foreign and domestic moves.


On the domestic side, consider the DACA cutback and, impossible as it may seem, don’t forget his role or lack thereof in the events of January 6 at the Capitol. Neither of these issues strengthen the United States.  Both forwarded Russian goals of creating problems for and weakening the United States.


On international issues consider his attitudes toward, or his actual withdrawal from the Comprehensive Plan of Action, his subsequent hostile moves against Iran, his TPP withdrawal, his WHO policy, the Geneva Consensus Declaration, his Jerusalem policy, his NAFTA policy, leaving the Paris agreement on Climate issues, his overall Middle East policies, his Cuba policy, his NATO negatives, his implemented sanctions, his withdrawal from the UN Human Rights Council, and the Open Skies Treaty, just to mention a few!


Finally, look at Trump’s new “friends” around the world.  He has said that Putin is A-OK, refering to him as a “smart, savvy genius,” ditto with the leaders of North Korea, Hungary, Syria, Korea, and Turkey – where, incidentally, Recep Erdogan does not permit the passage of foreign military ships through the Bosporus straits,  leaving the Black Sea and Ukraine to the tender mercies of the Russian navy.  Basically, Trump would appear to be drawn toward actual dictators, or at least toward leaders who have become as autocratic as circumstances in their countries have allowed.


It has been a rare moment when Trump policy has been hostile to Russia’s international goals.  In effect, Trump has essentially removed the United States or, at minimum, alienated the United States from many the World’s most important organizations. 


On the domestic side, although his true intentions and goals for the US future are anything but clear, much of what he has supported in America has weakened the US.   That is clearly a critical goal of today’s Russia.  His preoccupation with the removal or, at least, the cut-back of American domestic regulations has not made us stronger.


It does seem strange (and frankly terrifying) that any American president’s policies, irrespective of his true motivation, should be so supportive of the disruptive and hostile goals of our long-time rival and ongoing enemy, Russia.



The author is a retired CIA officer who spent his career focused on the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries





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